Ancient Americas at LACMA


Nov 06, 2015 | Live Science
This local control may have benefited the residents of Cerén when the nearby Loma Caldera blew its top one August, in the midst of the rainy season. No bodies have been found in the village, suggesting that villagers had a little bit of time to get...
Nov 05, 2015 | El Universal
 La descubridora Fanny López Jiménez asegura que no es común que mujeres arqueólogas concreten hallazgos de vestigios de mujeres con características monárquicas.
Nov 05, 2015 | Northern Arizona University
Northern Arizona University students are credited with preserving archaeological sites in Belize and supporting that country’s economy, where one in four jobs is related to tourism.
Nov 04, 2015 | La Gran Época
Hace quinientos años, en un remoto templo de Guatemala, se derramaba sangre de sacrificios durante ceremonias en las que se realizaban cortes utilizando puntas de flecha de obsidiana afiladas como cuchillas. Los arqueólogos afirman que este ritual...
Nov 03, 2015 | R&D Magazine
An examination of 22,000 animal remains stored at the Florida Museum of Natural History has revealed clues about life for the ancient Maya middle and lower class.
Nov 03, 2015 | National Science Foundation
Village of Ceren so well preserved that footprints and finger marks remain. 
Nov 02, 2015 | Travel Pulse
Mexico boasts so many significant Mayan ruins and temples that visitors can spend weeks immersed in different ancient kingdoms and never view the same one twice. There are nearly 20 Mayan sites on the Yucatan Peninsula alone but none are as famous...
Nov 02, 2015 | Trome
Si hablamos de una cultura antigua en nuestro país, debemos mencionar con orgullo a Caral. La civilización o cultura preincaica de Caral lleva ese nombre por la Ciudad Sagrada de Caral, el yacimiento arqueológico más importante y más antiguo de...
Nov 02, 2015 | EPFL News
Researchers from the Idiap Institute affiliated with EPFL have come up with an algorithm to analyze Mayan writing. This project could one day contribute to translating this complex and still partially unknown language. 
Nov 01, 2015 | Antigua Observer
The Trinidad-based Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) says the Belize government breached the right of the Maya community to protection of the law by failing to ensure that the existing property regime, inherited from the pre-independence colonial...
Oct 31, 2015 | Diario Uchile
Este 23 y 24 de octubre se conmemoró el hallazgo de la civilización más antigua de América. Luego de 21 años desde su descubrimiento en Perú, la Zona Arqueológica Caral aún plantea diversos desafíos a los investigadores. Un sitio que fue reconocido...
Oct 30, 2015 | INAH
Con la exposición Alimentos para las ánimas (en maya Hanal Pixán), el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), a través del Museo Nacional de Antropología (MNA), mostrará la celebración a los fieles difuntos de una...
Oct 29, 2015 |
Most of what we know about Mayan civilization relates to kings, queens and their elaborate temples. To understand what life was like for the 99 percent, one researcher turned to ancient animal bones stored at the Florida Museum of Natural History.
Oct 29, 2015 | El Nuevo Diario
Las piezas de la exposición fueron trabajadas por unas 20 personas que desarrollaron representaciones de los vestigios de Cuenca Miradar en materiales diversos como concha, hueso, jade, cerámica, fibra de vidrio, entre otras.
Oct 29, 2015 | UF News
Most of what we know about Mayan civilization relates to kings, queens and their elaborate temples. To understand what life was like for the 99 percent, one researcher turned to ancient animal bones stored at the Florida Museum of Natural History.
Oct 29, 2015 |
Guards and conservation workers at the Peñas site in Ollantaytambo archaeological park have discovered a complex of Inca platforms, a food storeroom, and a ceremonial court in a 12-acre area that had been covered by vegetation.
Oct 28, 2015 |
Some scholars have argued that today’s Amazonian rainforests are the result of ancient managed landscapes, but a new study suggests that people who lived in Amazonian forests prior to the arrival of Europeans had dense settlements in areas...
Oct 28, 2015 | El Universal
 Son 49 piezas precolombinas y estaban custodiadas desde 2003, mientras se investigaba su procedencia.
Oct 28, 2015 | Voice of America
Historic and extraordinary architectural models from the ancient Americas go on public display in late October at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The exhibit is a major achievement in bringing together architectural models from the great...
Oct 27, 2015 |
 Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.- La expedición llegó a la sierra de Naola -brazo de la Sierra Madre Oriental que se extiende en el suroeste de Tamaulipas sobre el territorio del municipio de Tula- y no salieron con las manos vacías. Era el 2010 y...