Ancient Americas at LACMA


Feb 05, 2015 |
The more you know your neighbors, the better off you may be when disaster strikes, a new study from the University of Arizona suggests.
Feb 04, 2015 | INAH
Los 44 documentos que integraron la muestra Códices de México, memorias y saberes continuarán disponibles en el micrositio dedicado a esta exposición, en la dirección electrónica
Feb 03, 2015 |
Piezas de alfarería ritual y doméstica de hace 1,000 años, elaboradas y utilizadas por los pueblos indígenas yumanos de Baja California, así como objetos representativos de las transformaciones estilísticas que ha tenido esta cerámica a lo largo del...
Feb 03, 2015 | Popular Archaeology
For the first time, several approximate, newly discovered monumental archaeological sites in northern Peru may see their first exposure to an organized expeditionary tour group consisting of members of the public, bloggers, photographers, and...
Feb 02, 2015 |
Visitada por 300  mil 428 personas, la muestra Códices de México, memorias y saberes cerró ayer domingo su periodo de exhibición en la Sala de Exposiciones Temporales del Museo Nacional de Antropología. Durante el fin de semana, el recinto...
Feb 02, 2015 | Live Science
Opium, "magic" mushrooms and other psychoactive substances have been used since prehistoric times all over the world, according to a new review of archaeological findings.
Ene 27, 2015 |
New excavations at the site of Nuevo Lourdes, in central El Salvador, have revealed evidence of everyday life in Mesoamerica during the late Classic period, from 650 to 950 A.D. 
Ene 26, 2015 | National Geographic
Ancient people sacrificed offerings to water god at edge of sacred pool.
Ene 26, 2015 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Scientists have reconstructed the past climate for the region around Cantona, a large fortified city in highland Mexico, and found the population drastically declined in the past, at least in part because of climate change
Ene 26, 2015 | Popular Archaeology
By comparing and analyzing paleoclimate and cultural data, researchers are suggesting that draught conditions may have had a major impact on the rise and fall of a pre-Columbian Mesoamerican city in central Mexico.
Ene 22, 2015 |
Acercar al público al proceso de cambio que la Ciudad de México ha experimentado en el tiempo: de ser un islote en medio de un lago a la metrópoli que es hoy, es el objetivo de la exposición El patrimonio arqueológico de la Ciudad de México, montada...
Ene 21, 2015 | Peru This Week
A study by the University of Florida published in the International Journal of Paleopathology claims to have discovered the first ever evidence for ancient bone surgery found in Peru.
Ene 16, 2015 | Peru This Week
Nearly US$ 1.71 million will be allocated for archaeological research and studies necessary for excavations in Lambayeque’s 11 archaeological sites.
Ene 15, 2015 | INAH
El INAH pone a disposición del público en general una app para el estudio y difusión del Códice Mendoza. La edición bilingüe y gratuita está disponible en la web ( y en versión  móvil a través de la tienda...
Ene 12, 2015 | Western Digs
Archaeologists exploring the ties between ancient cultures in the Southwestern U.S. and central Mexico have turned their attention to some unusual artifacts excavated in Arizona: more than 50 mirrors encrusted with the brilliant mineral pyrite...
Ene 11, 2015 | Anthropology in the news from Texas A&M University
In May 2008 a team of researchers forming part of the Templo Mayor project of the historic centre of Mexico City, discovered a large offering which had been placed underneath an enormous statue of the goddess Tlaltecuhtli.
Ene 09, 2015 |
Un estudio de la Ofrenda 126 que se halló asociada al monolito de la diosa Tlatecuhtli, en el Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México, permitió identificar 83 nuevas especies para las ofrendas del Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan, en su mayoría de...
Ene 08, 2015 |
Visitada por 221 mil 979 personas, la muestra Códices de México, memorias y saberes extiende su periodo de exhibición hasta el 1 de febrero en la Sala de Exposiciones Temporales del Museo Nacional de Antropología, en razón del gran interés...
Ene 08, 2015 | Peru This Week
Minister of Culture announced today that more than 1,000 of Peru’s archaeological sites are at risk for lack of security and resources to guard the sites.
Ene 08, 2015 | - Archaeology & Fossils
After it was first domesticated from the wild teosinte grass insouthern Mexico, maize, or corn, took both a high road and a coastallow road as it moved into what is now the U.S. Southwest, reports aninternational research team that includes a UC...