Late Classic

Drawing of Inscription on the Temple of the Foliated Cross Doorjambs
Linda Schele

Drawing of the Temple of the Foliated Cross Inscription
Linda Schele

Drawing of the Temple of the Foliated Cross Inscription with Initial Series Initial Glyph
Linda Schele

Text from the Temple of the Cross Sanctuary Panel
Linda Schele

Drawing from the Temple of the Cross Sanctuary Text
Linda Schele

Drawing from the Temple of the Cross Sanctuary Text
Linda Schele

Cross-section of Palenque Temple of the Cross
Linda Schele

Drawing of the Alfarda Texts from Palenque Temple of the Sun
Linda Schele

Detail Drawing of Architectural Ornament on Temple of the Foliated Cross Depicting Deity Emerging from a Shell
Linda Schele

Detail Drawing of an Architectural Ornament on Temple of the Foliated Cross Depicting a Witz' Monster
Linda Schele

Cross-section of Palenque Temple of the Cross Depicting Placement of Carved Panel
Linda Schele

Drawing of Temple of the Foliated Cross South Jamb
Linda Schele