Late Classic

Comparative Drawing of Solar Deities from Palenque Cross Group
Linda Schele

Drawing of Various Texts from Site Q
Linda Schele

Drawing of Three Column Inscription from Site Q
Linda Schele

Drawing of Three Column Inscription from Site Q
Linda Schele

Drawing of Three Columns of Text from Site Q
Linda Schele

Drawing of Panel Depicting the Meeting Between Two Elaborately Costumed Figures
Linda Schele

Detail Drawing of Inscription from a Carved Panel at Site Q
Linda Schele

Drawing of Inscriptions from Two Monuments at Site Q Detailing Lineage Relationships
Linda Schele

Drawing of a Carved Panel Depicting a Single Ballplayer
Linda Schele

Drawing of a Carved Panel Depicting Two Ballplayers
Linda Schele

Unfinished Drawing of Stela 2 from La Amelia Depicting a Dancing Figure
Linda Schele

Drawing of Stela 1 from La Amelia Depicting a Standing, Dancing Figure
Linda Schele