Reading Room
One of FAMSI’s primary missions was to fund research projects for students and scholars working in a variety of fields related to Mesoamerica. From 1994 until 2007, FAMSI funded 445 research projects, distributing over 3.2 million dollars. Reports submitted by these grantees were digitized, translated and posted to the original website, and some of these reports remain the only published account of a site or project. LACMA is pleased to host these grantee reports here on so that students and scholars may continue to benefit from their findings.
In the future the reading room will expand to include publications produced by scholars in collaboration with LACMA’s Program for the Art of the Ancient Americas.

Tepango Valley Archaeological Survey: Tuxtla Mountains, Southern Veracruz, México
Wesley D. Stoner

El Paso Mareño: La interacción huave en el Istmo Sur de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca
Alejandro Castaneira Yee Ben

The Early Classic Obsidian Trade at Los Horcones, Chiapas, México
Claudia Garcia-Des Lauriers

Detecting Foreigners in Archaeological Human Dental Enamel in Yucatán, México
Cucina, Andrea

Historical Archaeology and Indigenous Identity at the Ex-Hacienda San Miguel Acocotla, Atlixco, Puebla, México
Elizabeth Newman & Harold Juli

Zooarchaeological and Isotopic Perspectives on Ancient Maya Economy and Exchange
Erin Kennedy Thornton

The Nakum Archaeological Project: Investigations on the Banks of the Holmul River, Guatemala
Jaroslaw Zralka

In Search of the Preceramic: 2006 Season Investigations at Actun Halal, Belize
Jon C. Lohse