
Detail of Phallus
Linda Schele

Sketch of West Building after Charnay 19th Century Photo
Linda Schele

Drawing of Uxmal West Building, Nunnery Quadrangle, Door 6 Showing Stacked Masks and Feathered Serpents
Mark Van Stone

Drawing of Capstone 2 from Building Y, Nunnery Quadrangle with image of dancing figure
Linda Schele

Detail of Stacked Masks from Uxmal North Building in North Quadrangle
Mark Van Stone

Details from Uxmal North building frieze in North Quadrangle depicting a snake house and a mask
Linda Schele

Details from Uxmal North Building Frieze in North Quadrangle Depicting a Stack of Masks
Mark Van Stone

Drawing of Westernmost Mask Stack from Uxmal North Building, Nunnery Quadrangle
Mark Van Stone

Drawing of Westernmost Mask Stack from Uxmal North Building, Nunnery Quadrangle
Mark Van Stone

Drawing of capstone I Uxmal depicting dancing figure
Linda Schele

Detail of costume elements, rosettes with tassles
Linda Schele

Drawing of Small Sedallion Over Door 4, West Building, Nunnery Quadrangle
Linda Schele