Ancient Americas at LACMA


Sep 23, 2015 |
A 9,000 year-old case of human decapitation has been found in the rock shelter of Lapa do Santo in Brazil, according to a study published September 23, 2015 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by André Strauss from the Max Planck Institute...
Sep 23, 2015 | INAH
México recuperó el petrograbado conocido como “Bajorrelieve olmeca de Xoc”, descubierto a finales de los años 60 del siglo pasado en el estado de Chiapas. El bajorrelieve monumental en piedra fue extraído de forma clandestina de su...
Sep 23, 2015 | National Geographic
It comes twice a year and is related to the change in seasons, but a lot of people don't understand this celestial alignment. 
Sep 22, 2015 | ArtDaily
At the dawn of the 16th century Europe was shaken by the epoch-making discovery: the ”Indies” – “the world that wasn’t there”. This event completely upset the traditional cultural view based on the Ancient Rome-...
Sep 21, 2015 | Telegraph
On a journey from Mexico’s Yucatán peninsula to Belize and Guatemala, Chris Moss explores the legacy of the ancient Maya.
Sep 18, 2015 | INAH
En las faldas de un macizo al norte del estado de Guerrero, muy cerca de Oxtotitlán, se ubica un monolito-altar que representa una montaña sagrada, desde donde emerge y mora un jaguar bicéfalo descarnado que simboliza el espacio divino.
Sep 18, 2015 | RRP Noticias
La Resolución Viceministerial, publicada el 14 de setiembre, dispone aprobar el expediente técnico (plano de delimitación, memoria descriptiva y ficha técnica) de la zona arqueológica monumental de acuerdo al plano, área y perímetro que se consignan...
Sep 16, 2015 | Ancient Origins
A very interesting tomb has been uncovered in San Pedro de Pacopampa, Chota Province, Cajamarca Region, Peru. The tomb contains a double burial of what is believed to be high-ranking priests from the Pacopampa culture (a contemporary of the Chavin...
Sep 13, 2015 | La Republica
Fardos de origen sudamericano asombran al mundo por la técnica de conservación.
Sep 09, 2015 | National Geographic
El Dorado. Atlantis. The Lost City of Z. Legends of such fabled places have enticed generations of explorers into the most remote locations on Earth. Usually they return empty-handed, if they return at all. But sometimes the pursuit of a myth leads...
Sep 09, 2015 | The Villager
This bilingual (English/Spanish) exhibition illuminates Central America’s diverse and dynamic ancestral heritage and aims to shed light onto some of its vibrant civilizations. The ceramics, combined with recent archaeological discoveries, aid...
Sep 09, 2015 | Ancient Origins
A new study has found that the Maya civilization of Central America had a considerable impact on the surrounding environment, the effects of which are still visible. Activity from 2,000 years ago contributed to the decline and continues to influence...
Sep 09, 2015 | Elfaro
¿Se puede aprender náhuat-pipil en nueve horas? Esta es la historia de cómo un ministro de Obras Públicas, un lingüista Premio Nacional de Cultura, una periodista y los Tzunhejekat aprenden a pensar cómo pensaban los antepasados, a sabiendas...
Sep 08, 2015 | INAH
Una nueva edición facsimilar del Códice Boturini, acompañada de una aplicación para dispositivos móviles, fue realizada por el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH). La iniciativa combina las nuevas tecnologías con los procesos...
Sep 07, 2015 | Popular Archaeology
Findings may shed light on trade among distant North American populations before arrival of Europeans.
Sep 07, 2015 | Heritage Daily
Evidence from the tropical lowlands of Central Americas reveals how Maya activity more than 2,000 years ago not only contributed to the decline of their environment but continues to influence today's environmental conditions, according to...
Sep 06, 2015 | Ancient Origins
The ancient Maya city of Uxmal is located in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It was one of the regional capitals during the Maya Late Classical period and is considered today to be one of the most important Maya archaeological sites. Located in the...
Sep 06, 2015 | INAH
Con el lema “Miradas contemporáneas para la protección, difusión y conservación del patrimonio cultural”, se realizará la segunda edición del Coloquio de la Mixteca Oaxaqueña, el cual pretende ubicarse como un espacio para la reflexión,...
Sep 04, 2015 | Futurity
Activities of the Maya 2,000 years ago in Central America contributed to the decline of their environment. New research finds evidence of their influence on today’s environmental conditions, as well.
Sep 02, 2015 | Anthropology in the news from Texas A&M University
Evidence from the tropical lowlands of Central America reveals how Maya activity more than 2,000 years ago not only contributed to the decline of their environment but continues to influence today's environmental conditions, according to...