Ancient Americas at LACMA


Nov 18, 2014 |
Para los hombres y mujeres del Occidente prehispánico, la sexualidad, más allá del placer, representaba el principio y el fin de las cosas, el ciclo básico de la vida, tal como lo revela la exposición Semillas de vida. La sexualidad en Occidente.A...
Nov 17, 2014 | Western Digs
Archaeologists on the trail of a little-known ancient culture have found a cache of clues that may help unlock its secrets: a cave containing hundreds of children’s moccasins.The cave, on the shore of Utah’s Great Salt Lake, was...
Nov 12, 2014 |
El Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) reprueba la subasta de piezas prehispánicas mexicanas realizada el día de hoy por la casa Bonhams en Nueva York, pues se llevó a cabo fuera de la legalidad y de la ética al vulnerar, no sólo la...
Nov 12, 2014 |
El concepto de belleza de los antiguos mayas será mostrado por México en el Museo Nacional de China, en Beijing, a través de la magna exposición arqueológica Mayas, el lenguaje de la belleza, a inaugurarse este 13 de noviembre. La...
Nov 11, 2014 |
Luego de un análisis in situ, especialistas en arqueología mesoamericana del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) dictaminaron que al menos 50% de las piezas prehispánicas mexicanas que pretende subastar la casa Bonhams en Nueva York...
Nov 10, 2014 | Western Digs
A tenderly decorated grave discovered in Alaska holds the remains of two infants dating back 11,500 years, the youngest Ice Age humans yet found in the Western Hemisphere, archaeologists say.Interred together inside an ancient residence, one child...
Nov 05, 2014 | Vice News
Archeologists in Mexico have announced an unprecedented find of at least 50,000 relics in a previously unexplored tunnel beneath a key pyramid and temple structure at Teotihuacan, the ancient ceremonial center on the outskirts of Mexico City.Mexico...
Nov 04, 2014 |
Especialistas de América Latina y el Caribe participan en el curso Preservación de Colecciones de Sonido e Imagen (SOIMA, LATAM 2014), que tiene como propósito buscar soluciones a los nuevos retos que enfrenta la preservación del patrimonio digital...
Nov 01, 2014 | Colombia Reports
Archaeologists have discovered a pre-Columbian town in central Colombia, recovering tons of archaeological evidence of which some dates as far back as 900BC, sponsor EPM said Friday.The site was initially found when EPM, a public-private...
Oct 29, 2014 | - Archaeology & Fossils
A yearslong exploration of a tunnel sealed almost 2,000 years ago at the ancient city of Teotihuacan yielded thousands of relics and the discovery of three chambers that could hold more important finds, Mexican archaeologists said Wednesday. ...
Oct 23, 2014 | (e) Science News - Paleontology & Archaeology
People may have been making their way from Easter Island to the Americas well before the Dutch commander Jakob Roggeveen arrived with his ships in 1722, according to new genomic evidence showing that the Rapanui people living on that most isolated...
Oct 23, 2014 | National Geographic
Paleo-Indian hunters ventured high into the Andes Mountains as early as 12,800 years ago, as much as two thousand years sooner than previously thought.The finding, reported Thursday in the journal Science, suggests that South America's first...
Sep 29, 2014 | Western Digs
Archaeologists exploring the high desert of northern Arizona have found a pair of “matching” villages that date back some 1,300 years, revealing evidence of a crucial phase in Southwestern prehistory.Researchers found the two large...
Ago 15, 2014 | Discovery News
A monster mouth doorway, ruined pyramid temples and palace remains emerged from the Mexican jungle as archaeologists unearthed two ancient Mayan cities.