Early Classic

Rendering of Stela 5 Front and Sides with Two Columns of Text
Linda Schele

Drawing of Stela 9 Depicting Standing Figure in Profile
Linda Schele

Fragment of Text on Stela 12, UAX
Linda Schele

Drawing of Inscription from Structure B-XIII Mural
Linda Schele

Colossal Stucco Mask from Group H
Linda Schele

Detail of Ceremonial Axe
Linda Schele

Drawing of Stela 4, Yaxha Depicting a Figure Standing in Profle
Linda Schele

Drawing of Stela 2, Yaxha Depicting a Figure Standing in Profle Carrying Serpent Bar
Linda Schele

Drawing of Stela Fragment from Yaxha
Linda Schele

Jadeite Celt Carving
Linda Schele

Details from Conch Shell Trumpet
Linda Schele

Detail from Conch Shell Trumpet
Linda Schele