Schele or Reilly?

Perspective Drawing of Complex A and C
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of the Growth Stages of Beans and Squash Plants
Schele or Reilly?

Perspective Drawing of Monument 7 and Tomb A
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Incised Celt from Offering 4
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Incised Celt and Carved Scepter
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Seated Figure Holding a Knuckle-Duster and Torch
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing Depicting Olmec Profile
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Greenstone Mask
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Figure in Profile with Taloned Feet from Monument 1
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Figurine Showing Seated Individual with Trefoil Headdress and Cape
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of a Seated Figure Holding Knuckle-Duster and Stick Torch or Brush
Schele or Reilly?

Composite Drawing of Three Objects Including Two Celts and a Figurine
Schele or Reilly?