Late Classic

Drawing of three inscriptions from Stela D (?)
Linda Schele

Drawing of the western and southern sides of zoomorphic altar associated with Stela F
Linda Schele

Drawing of the inscriptions on Structure 21a bench
Linda Schele

Drawing of the East Side of Zoomorphic Altar Associated with Stela D
Linda Schele

Drawing of a seated figure adorning Structure 9N-82, Group 9N-8
Linda Schele

Drawing of inscription along left edge of reviewing stand with a small inset schematic to demonstrate location
Linda Schele

Drawing of inscription along right edge of reviewing stand with a small inset schematic to demonstrate location
Linda Schele

Drawing of west side of bench in Temple 11 depicting row of seated lords facing viewer's left
Linda Schele

Drawing of various texts mentioning Yax-Pac
Linda Schele

Partial rendering of inscriptions from Stela I
Linda Schele

Drawing of various glyphic framgents
Linda Schele

Drawing of various glyphic framgents
Linda Schele