Early Classic

Detail of Mosaic Headdress from Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent
Linda Schele

Drawing of Stela 17
Linda Schele

Composite Drawing of Banners and Staff from Teotihuacan and Tikal
Linda Schele

Drawing of La Ventanilla Marker
Linda Schele

Drawing of a Jade Figurine from Hieroglyphic Stairway Cache
Linda Schele

Plan of Group H from Uaxactun
Linda Schele

Drawing of Hauberg Stela
Linda Schele

Drawing of Stela 11 from Yaxha Depicting a Standing, Goggle-Eye Figure
Linda Schele

Detail Drawing of Supernatural Figure at Base of Multi-Branch Flowering Tree
Linda Schele

Detail Drawing of War Shields from Two Figurines
Linda Schele

Composite Drawing including Detail of Feathered Serpent Pyramid Facade and Figurine
Linda Schele

Drawing of Frontal, Teotihuacan-Style Figure Holding Torches in Both Hands
Linda Schele